98D-Link DIR-890L User ManualSection 4 - Conffguration - Access Point ModeName: Your PCVendor: Unknown VendorMAC Address: ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ffIP Address: IP: EnabledIP Address (Reserved):Parental Control: EnabledSchedule: Always Off ⌵Edit RuleSaveConnected ClientsClick on the Connected Clients icon to view details about the DIR-890L and its wirelesssettings.On this page you can see all the clients currently connected to the DIR-890L, and their IPaddresses.To edit each client’s settings, click the pencil icon on the client you want to edit.COPYRIGHT © 2016 D-LinkConnected ClientsDIR-890L HW:A1 FW:1.10Internet DIR-890LConnected Clients: 1USB DeviceInternet ConnectedClick on any item in the diagram for more information.Click on the “Pencil” icon to manage devices access or change device name.You can block a device from accessing your network completely.Your PCUnknown Vendor ManagementHomeName: Enter a custom name for this client.Vendor: Displays the vendor of the device.MAC Address: Displays the MAC address of the device.IP Address: Displays the current IP address of this client.Reserve IP: Enable to reserve this IP address for this client.IP Address(Reserved):Specify an IP address for the DIR-890L's DHCP server to assign eachtime the device is detected.Parental Control: Allow or block access to the router.Click Save when you are done.