Rider Maintenance ItemsWARNINGMove the ground speed levers to START/PARKpositions, turn the mower blades OFF, turn theignition switch OFF, and wait for all moving partsto stop before accessing the engine compartmentor performing any maintenance procedures.ACCESSING THE ENGINEC OM PARTM ENTLift up on the back edge of the seat deck to access theengine compartment,Figure 12. Accessing the Engine CompartmentCLEAN DEBRIS FROM RIDER ANDENGINE COMPARTMENTService Interval: Before each use,CAUTION: If debris is not removed from the enginecompartment and other hot surfaces, it creates a firehazard. Before starting the unit at the beginning of themowing session, remove any grass clippings, dirt,leaves, or other debris from the unit, Also clean out theengine compartment,CLEAN DEBRIS FROM ENGINECOOLING AREAS AND AIR FILTERService Interval: Before each use,CAUTION: If debris is not removed from the enginecompartment and other hot surfaces, it creates a firehazard. Before starting the unit at the beginning of themowing session, lift the seat deck and clean any debrisfrom the intake screen on top of the engine (A, Figure13), exposed engine cooling fins, and around the air filterassembly. Also open the air filter cover (B) and removeany debris that has accumulated in the air filtercompartment,CHECKTIRE PRESSUREService Interval: 25 Hours,Tire pressure should be checked periodically, andmaintained at the levels shown in Figure 14, Note thatthese pressures may differ slightly from the "MaxInflation" stamped on the side-wall of the tires, Thepressures shown provide proper traction, improve cutquality, and extend tire life,\\Figure 13. Engine CompartmentA. Intake ScreenB. Air Filter CoverTire PressureFront 18-20 psi (1,24-1,38 bar)Rear 10-12 psi (,69-,83 bar)Figure 14. Tire Pressures18