FT ®OWNER'S MANUALJ TO comply wire FOG ru_es, ad]u_ o( mod_ftcalJoe, s of _[.s reo_0r at_ortransmitter eta p_, ex_p! k_ _ tt_o code _,etttn_ or repla_r_ t_,battery THERE ARE NO OTHER USER SERVICEABLE PARTS,The Security+ remote control (with blue push buttons)works only with rolling i:ode door openers and lightcontrols (with an orange SRT button and yellowIndicator light). The code between the remote controland the receiver changes wtth each use, randomlyaccessing over 100 billion new codes.Instructions are given below for programming youropener to match the remote control's code. Theadditional remote control buttons can also activateother Security÷ garage door openers and/or lightcontrols. (InstrucUons for programming light productsare Included with those accessories.)SECURITY,4t, Garage Door OpenersProgram the Opener to Acceptthe Remote Control CodeSelect a remote control push button to operate thereceiver° The large button is recommended for use withthe garage door opener.ff you have a Premium Control Console:1: W?th the door closed, press and hold the selectedremote push button. See Figure 1.2. Press and hold the Light button on the door control,.Figure 23. Press and hold the door control push button.4. After the opener light flashes, release all buttons.ff you do not have a Premium Control Console:1. Press and hold the selected remote push button. SeeFigure 1o2. Press and release the.SRT (learn) button on the openerpanel. See Figure 3oThe indicator light on the panel wilibegin to blink and the opener light wili flash once,3 Release the remote p_sh butt6n.Now the opener will operate when that remote controlbutton is pressed,r Test it by pressing the remote button tosee that the door goes up and down,,To Erase All Remote Control CodesPress and hold the SRT button on the opener panel untilthe indicator light turns off (about 6 seconds). All remotecodes are now erased, Then follow the steps above to re-program each remote control.Model 139.53681 SEtCUI{I'_[3',_3-Function Remote ControlModel 139.53680 S]ECUBII"t',I,;Compact 3-Fun_ttnn _€,mnt_, t'_-nnfroIChildren operating or playing with a garage dooropener can Injure themselves or others. Thegarage door could close and cause serious Injuryor death. Do not allow childr.en to operate the doorpush button(s) or remote control(s).A moving garage door could injure or kill someoneunder It. Activate the opener only when you cansee the door clearly, It is free of obstructions, andIs properly adjusted.u,n,, i, uFigure 1Select a remote cont.,-o_push button(_) Compact3-Function lf_ 3-FunctionRemote Control _ Remote ControlFigure 2DoorControlPushbuttonUghtPremiumControl ConsoleFigure 3 SECURITY+ Garage Door OpenerOrange _ _ " _ F'AqSRT (learn) | _ _ L_JButton "---._Yellow { [lj-'7)'__Indicat°r__i____-../-Ugl_tCode programming instructions are alsolocated on the opener panel.To Control the Opener Ligtlt (Premium Consoles)With SECURITY+ remote controEs, a push button can beprogrammed to operate the opener light without openingthe door.1_ With the door closed, press and hold the remote buttonthat you want to control the light2. Press and hold the Light button on the door control.3 Press and hold the Lock button on the door control.4. After the opener light flashes, release aHbuttons,Test by pressing the remote push button, The opener lightshould turn on or off but the door shouid not move.