• Empty the drawer.• Fully extend the drawer.REMOVING DRAWERSOPERATIONSlide carrierBall bearing slide - Pull slide carriers out on both sidesof unit to fully extended position. Hold the slide on the unitwhile aligning it with the slide on drawer. Slightly insert oneside and repeat for the other side. Slowly push drawer toits fully closed position to engage slide. Open drawer andreclose to ensure proper operation.INSTALLING DRAWERSREMOVING AND INSTALLING SLIDES• To remove the slide from the unit, first remove thedrawer.• After removing the drawer check to see if the unit hasrivets located on the front of the slide. To drill out rivets,use a 5/32-in drill bit. The rivets will need to be replacedwith 5/32-in rivets.• To reinstall the slide in the appropriate position in theunit, align front and back lances with mounting holes inthe side of the unit. Pull towards the front of the unit anddownwards until rivet holes in slide line up with holes inthe unit. The rivets will need to be replaced with 5/32-inrivets.• For smooth operation, make sure the drawers arematched with their original slides.Drill out rivetOPENING TOP CHEST DRAWERSTO UNLOCK CHEST• Unlock unit to open drawers and cover of chest.TO LOCK CHEST• Close all drawers and lock.Note: Cover of chest can be closed if unit is locked.• Push the lever on the right slide down, lift the lever onthe left side up. Pull out drawer to remove.Right Release LeverLeft Release LeverTHIRD ANGLE PROJECTIONREV. ECO# DATE BY DETAILS / DESCRIPTION Waterloo Industries, Inc. SEDALIA, MISSOURIPASHEETDRAWING IS DERIVED FROM SOLIDWORKS CAD MODEL AND IS PRODUCED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASME Y14.100AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION PRACTICESTHIS DRAWING AND THE INFORMATION IT CONTAINS IS THE PROPRIETARY PROPERTY OF WATERLOOINDUSTRIES, INC. AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM WATERLOOINDUSTRIES, INC. PRODUCT ENGINEERING.TITLEDRAWN BY DATE:MATERIALGHOLCOMB 3/26/2015 SHEET 1 of 1UNIT ASSEMBLY-3