OPERATION8, 2-CYCLE ENGINE FUEL MIXTUREUse a good grade of regular gasoline. [See mix-ing table below.)CAUTIONAlways use BIA certified TC-W oil in the50:1 ratio. Failure to do so may result inexcessive spark plug fouling, pistonscoring, or bearing failure. Do not underany circumstances, use multigrade, such as10W-30, or other automobile ods.If BIA certified oil is not avaitabIe, usean SAE 30 or 40 2-cyc{e or outboard oil.We reserve the right to refuse warranty onParts which are damaged when usingimproper fuels or lubricants.WARNINGGasoline is highly flammable. Always mixin well ventilated area. Do not fill tankwith motor running, nor near any flameor while smoking. Be sure vent screwsand filler caps on tanks are finger tighte-ned when transporting gasoline in thetrunk of your automobile to preventexplosion,FUELMIXINGTABLE50:1MIXTUREU.S. MeasureRegular Amount of oilGasoline to be addedIn Gallons In Pints tn Oz1 0.16 2.63 0.48 7.75 0.80 12.86 0.96 15.4MetricRegularGasolineIn Liters]51020MeasureAmount of oilto be addedin Liters0. STARTING PROCEDURE (See Fig. 7 & 7A)a.. Open air vent screw located on fueJ fillercap by turning counterclockwise.b. Open fuel shut-off valve.c. Open throttle lever to half throttle_d. Move choke lever to "On" positJOn.WARNINGWhen starting outboard, the boat wiltmove with a sudden burst of speed. Makesure you are well seated so as not to loseyour balance with a fast start.iENT SCR F_.W=STARTPOSITION"ONLEVERNEUTRALFigure 7FASTTHROTTLE LEVERFigure 7ASTARTER HANDLEFigure 8e. Pull starter handle slowly until you feelstarter engage. Then pull with rapidmotion and allow the starter cord toretract slowly. (See Fegure 8)_f. After engine has started, gradually movechoke lever to "Off*' position whilewarming up the engine.g. Let engine idle for approximately 3m+nutesbetorem0v+ngthrottle levert0"'Fast" posit_on.10. STOPPING PROCEDURETo stop engine, move throttle lever to full"'Neutral'" position and press stop button.(See Figure 7A)