CHECK TIRE PRESSUREThe tires on your tractor were overinflated atthe factory for shipping purposes. Correcttire pressure is important for best cuttingperformance.• Reduce tire pressure to PSI shown ontires.CHECK DECK LEVELNESSFor best cutting results, mower housingshould be properly leveled. See "TO LEVELMOWER" in the Service and Adjustmentssection of this manual.CHECK FOR PROPER POSITION OFALL BELTSSee the figures that are shown for replacingmotion and mower blade drive belts in theService and Adjustments section ofthis man-ual. Verify that the belts are routed correctly.CHECK BRAKE SYSTEMAfter you learn how to operate your tractor,check to see that the brake is operating prop-erly. See "TO CHECK BRAKE" in the Serviceand Adjustments section of this manual.CHECKLISTBefore you operate your new tractor, wewish to assure that you receive the bestperformance and satisfaction from thisQuality Product.Please review the following checklist:_" All assembly instructions have beencompleted._" No remaining loose parts in carton._" Battery is properly prepared and charged._" Seat is adjusted comfortably and tight-ened securely._" All tires are properly inflated. (For ship-ping purposes, the tires were overinflatedat the factory)._" Be sure mower deck is properly leveledside-to-side/front-to-rear for best cuttingresults. (Tires must be properly inflatedfor leveling)._" Check mower and drive belts. Be surethey are routed properly around pulleysand inside all belt keepers._/" Check wiring. See that all connections arestill secure and wires are properlyclamped._/" Before driving tractor, be sure freewheelcontrol is in "transmission engaged" posi-tion (see "To Transport" in the Operationsection of this manual).While learning howto use your tractor, pay ex-tra attention to the following important items:_/" Engine oil is at proper level._/" Fuel tank is filled with fresh, clean, regularunleaded gasoline._/" Become familiar with all controls, theirlocation and function. Operate thembefore you start the engine.Be sure brake system is in safe operatingcondition.v"v" Be sure Operator Presence System andReverse Operation System (ROS) areworking properly (See the Operation andMaintenance sections in this manual).12