Craftsman 580.323601 Owner's Manual
DON'T OVERLOAD GENERATORCapacityYou must make sure your generator can supplyenough rated (running) and surge (starting) watts forthe items you will power at the same time. Followthese simple steps:1. Select the items you will power at the same time.2. Total the rated (running) watts of these items. Thisis the amount of power your generator mustproduce to keep your items running.3. Estimate how many surge (starting) watts you willneed. Surge wattage is the short burst of powerneeded to start electric motor-driven tools orappliances such as a circular saw or refrigerator.Because not all motors start at the same time,total surge watts can be estimated by adding onlythe item(s) with the highest additional surge wattsto the total rated watts from step 2.Example:Tool or ApplianceWindow AirConditionerRefrigeratorDeep FreezerTelevisionLight (75 Watts)Rated(Running) Watts12008O05O0500753075 TotalRunning WattsTotal Rated (Running) WattsHighest Additional Surge WattsTotal Generator Output RequiredPower ManagementAdditional Surge(Starting)Wa_s180016005O01800 HighestSu_eWatts= 3075= 1800= 4875To prolong the life of your generator and attacheddevices, it is important to take care when addingelectrical loads to your generator. There should benothing connected to the generator outlets beforestarting it's engine. The correct and safe way tomanage generator power is to sequentially add loadsas follows:1. With nothing connected to the generator, start theengine as described in this manual.2. Plug in and turn on the first load, preferably thelargest load you have.3. Permit the generator output to stabilize (engineruns smoothly and attached device operatesproperly).4. Plug in and turn on the next load.5. Again, permit the generator to stabilize.6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each additional load.NEVER add more loads than the generator capacity.Take special care to consider surge loads in generatorcapacity, as described above.Tool or ApplianceEssentialsLight Bulb - 75 wattDeep FreezerSump PumpRefrigerator/Freezer - 18 Cu, Ft,Water Well Pump- 1/3 HPHeatinglCeelingWindow AC - 10,000 BTUWindow FanFurnace Fan Blower - 1/2 HPKitchenMicrowave Oven - 1000 WattCoffee MakerElectric Stove - Single ElementHot PlateFamily RoomDVD/CD PlayerVCRStereo ReceiverColor Television - 27"Personal Computer w/17"monitorOtherSecurity SystemAM/FM Clock RadioGarage Door Opener - 1/2 HPElectric Water Heater - 40GallonDIY/Job SiteQuartz Halogen Work LightAirless Sprayer - 1/3 HPReciprocating SawElectric Drill - 1/2 HPCircular Saw - 7 1/4"Miter Saw - 10"Table Planer - 6"Table Saw/Radial Arm Saw - 10"Air Compressor - 1-1/2 HPRated* Additional(Running) SureWa_s (Starting)Wa_s75500 500800 1200800 16001000 20001200 1800300 600800 13001000150015002500100100450500800180300480 52040001000600 1200960 9601000 10001500 15001800 18001800 18002000 20002500 2500*Wattages listed are approximate only. Check tool orappliance for actual wattage.10 |
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