115/16"NYLOCKNUTS (S)5/16" x 1-3/4"HEX BO LT S (G)5/16"NYLOCKNUT (S)DUMPHANDLETUBEDUMP PIVOTBR ACKE TFIGURE 14DUMP HANDLETUBE EXTENSIONDUMP HANDLE TUBE1/4" NYLOCKNUT (U)1/4" x 1-3/4"HEX BOLT (I)DUMP CABLEUSE THIS HOLEFIGURE 15STEP 15: INSTALL DUMP HANDLE TUBE(SEE FIGURE 14)• Install the dump handle tube to the dump pivot bracketassembly using three 5/16" x 1-3/4" hex bolts (G) and5/16" nylock nuts (S).STEP 16: INSTALL DUMP HANDLE TUBE EXTENSION(SEE FIGURE 15)• Install the dump handle tube extension on the dumphandle tube using a 1/4" x 1-3/4" hex bolt (I) and 1/4"nylock nut (U).• Attach the dump cable to the dump handle tube usingthree cable ties (RR).LIFT HANDLETUBE EXTENSION1/4" NYLOCK NUT (U)1/4" x 1-3/4"HEX BOLT (I) LIFT HANDLETUBEFIGURE 12FIGURE 13INDEX RODLIFT CABLECABLEADJUSTMENTNUTSHOOKLIFT TRIGGERSTEP 13: INSTALL LIFT HANDLE TUBE EXTENSION(SEE FIGURE 12)• Install the lift handle tube extension on the lift handletube using a 1/4" x 1-3/4" hex bolt (I) and 1/4" nylocknut (U).STEP 14: INSTALL LIFT CABLE(SEE FIGURE 13)• Connect the hooked end of the lift cable into the indexrod, and install the threaded cable adjuster into thenotch in the top of the index bracket, placing a nut oneach side of the notch.• Adjust the cable adjustment nuts so that when the lifttrigger is squeezed, the bottom of the index rod raisesenough to release from the latched position. The indexrod should also lower far enough to lock in the latchedposition when the trigger is released.• Attach the lift cable to the lift handle using three cableties (RR).