Owner's ManualCRQFr. MRH°;LEEVE ITCModel No. 486.24586DO NOT RETURN TO STOREFor Missing Parts or AssemblyQuestions Call 1-866-576-8388This is an attachment for "Garden Tractors" with 23" or larger reartires only. The sleeve hitch is not designed to fit or be used on "YardTractors" or "Lawn Tractors" that have 22" or smaller rear tires.CAUTION:Before using this product, readthis manual and follow all SafetyRules and Operating Instructions.oooooSafetyAssemblyOperationMaintenancePartsSears Brands Management Corporation, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A.www.sears.com/craftsmanPRINTED IN USA FORM NO. 41362 (05/20/10)