ATTACH SWEEPER TO TRACTORIMPORTANTI To assure the best performance fromyour new sweeper, read and follow the instructionson this page carefully.Place the tractor and the sweeper on a flat levelsurface such as a drive or a walk.Set the sweeper's height adjustment handle toapproximately the middte of it's adjustment range.Attach the sweeper to the tractor, arranging the 3/4"spacers aS shown [n GROUP "A" or "B", dependingon the height of the tractor hitch. The sweeper bagshould be approximately level with the ground and3" or 4" above the ground. See figure29. Do not ;allow the sweeper bag to drag the ground,GROUP "A" - For riding mowerswith 8"' to 10-1/2" groundclearance to hitch.HITCH TONGUEWITH HITCH BRACKET MOUNTEDBELOW HITCH TONGUEBLACK LINE IS TRACTOR HITCHTWO SPACERS ABOVE TRACTOR• /_ HITCH, ---ONE SPACER ABOVE AND 8"ELOWTRACTOR HITCH._.,TWO SPACERS BELOW TRACTORHITCHH JJ==÷_E_L _TWO SPACERS AND HITCH BAR,..(_._ BELOW TRACTOR HITCH11TH BRUSH HEIGHT'MENT SETTINGSIOXIMATELYFIGURE 29APPROXIMATELY LEVEL OB3" TO4" OFF SURFACEGROUP "B" - For tractorswith 10-I/2" to 13" groundclearance to hitch.WITH HITCH BRACKET MOUNTEDABOVE HITCH TONGUEBLACK LINE IS TRACTOR HITCH_'_ TWO SPACERS ABOVE TRACTOR• '_" _ =: -_ HITCHONE SPACER ABOVE AND BELOW_--_ .TRACTOR Hll CH _IL=- ....fTWO SPACERS BELOW TRACTOR,I _ HITCH""''""._,_ ..... _ _:,.... /'_ TWO SPACERS AND HITCH BRACKETBE LOW TRACTOR HITCH"PP1-{ f-f'.t_ ) ......{ ..................... ;