WHEEL GEARS/PAWL SERVICE1, To service wheel gears, Do Not Remove bothwheels at the same time. Remove one wheelat a time to prevent use of left hand parts onright hand side, When removing gears makenotes on position of all washers and snap rings,2, The paw!, inside ratchet gear, has a curved end(side) and a flat end (side), See figure 32_ Whenre-assembling ratchet gear and pawl, fill theinside with grease. Re-assemble the wheel andturn wheel, if the brushes drive (rotate) in bothdirections, the pawi is assembled incorrectly,remove and flip pawl over, If the brushes drive(rotate) in one direction the pawl is assembledcorrectly.BRUSH1.2.REPLACEMENTRemove the hopper bag from lawnsweeperBrush replacement should be done onebrush at a time,3, Tip the sweeper back on housing for ease ofbrush replacement° Do not remove hex boltsfrom double brush retainers through brushshaft.4., Loosen hex bolts and hex lock nuts from singlebrush retainers, See figure 33. Slide brush outof retainers making note of over-lap bristlesposition.5 Install new brush, maldng sure over-lap bristlesare positioned the same as before and as shownin figure 33 (end view of brush),RATCHETGEARPAWLFIGURE 32BRUSHRIGHT END VIEW ROTATIONOF BRUSH -------_.__.!DOUBLEBRUSHRETAINEROIL BEARING HEREOVERLAP _BRISTLESOVER-LAPBRISTLESSINGLEBRUSHRETAINER_'_BRUSHSHAFTSINGLEBRUSHRETAINERBRUSHROTATIONFIGURE 3312