DIRECTION(iNTERNAL)Wheneveryouareroutinga groove,yourtravelshouldbeina directionthatplaceswhateverguideyouareusingat theright=handside.inshort,whentheguideis positionedas shownin thefirstpartofFigure13,tooltravelshouldbeleftto rightandcounterclockwisearoundcurves.Whentheguideispositionedasshowninthesecondpartof Figure13,tooltravelshouldberighttoleftandclockwisearoundcurves.If thereis a choice,thefirstsetupis generallytheeasiesttouse.ineithercase,thesidewaysthrustyouuseis againsttheguide.GUIDEOUTSIDEROTATIONITHRUSTROTATIONFEED GUIDEGUIDE INSIDEROTATION _GUIDE _ROTATION _ /FEED_ THRUSTFig. 1 3DETERMINING DEPTH OF CUTAs previously mentioned, the depth of cut is importantbecause it affects the rate of feed that, in turn, affectsthe quality of the cut (and, also, the possibility ofdamage to your router motor and bit). A deep cutrequires a slower feed than a shallow one, and a toodeep cut will cause you to slow the feed so much thatthe bit is no longer cutting, it is scraping, instead.Making a deep cut is never advisable. The smallerbits- especially those only 1/16 inch (1.6 mm)indiameter -- are easily broken off when subjected totoo much side thrust. A large enough bit may not bebroken, but if the cut is too deep a rough cut will result-- and it may be very difficult to guide and control thebit as desired. For these reasons, we recommend thatyou do not exceed 1/8 in. depth of cut in a singlepass, regardless of the bit size or the softness orcondition of the workpiece. See Figure 14.To make deeper cuts it is therefore necessary tomake as many successive passes as required,lowering the bit 1/8 in. for each new pass. In order tosave time, do all the cutting necessary at one depthsetting, before lowering the bit for the next pass. Thiswill also assure a uniform depth when the final pass iscompleted. See Figure 15.DEPTHOF CUT WIDTHOF CUT1ST.2ND. r_ PASSPASS m m mFig. 142ND. PASSFig. 1 515