Tomakedeepercutsit is thereforenecessarytomakeas manysuccessivepassesas required,loweringthebit 1/8inchfor each new pass. In order tosave time, do all the cutting necessary at one depthsetting, before lowering the bit for the next pass. Thiswill also assure a uniform depth when the final pass iscompleted. See Figure 12.2ND. 1ST.PASS PASS2ND.PASSFig. 12DIRECTION OF FEED AND THRUSTThe router motor and bit revolve in a clockwise direc-tion. This gives the tool a slight tendency to twist (inyour hands) in a counterclockwise direction, especiallywhen the motor revs up (as at starting).Because of the extremely high speed of bit rotationdudng a "proper feeding" operation, there is very littlekickback to contend with under normal conditions.However, should the bit strike a knot, hard grain,foreign object, etc. that would affect the normalprogress of the cutting action, there will be a slightkickback-- sufficient to spoil the trueness of your cut ifyou are not prepared. Such a kickback is always in thedirection opposite to the direction of bit rotation.To guard against such a kickback, plan your setup anddirection of feed so that you will always be thrustingthe tool -- to hold it against whatever you are using toguide the cut -- in the same direction that the leadingedge of the bit is moving. In short, the thrust should bein a direction that keeps the sharp edges of the bitcontinuously biting straight into new (uncut) wood.ROUTINGWhenever you are routing a groove, your travelshould be in a direction that places whatever guideyou are using at the rigHt-hand side. In short, whenthe guide is positioned as shown in the first part ofFigure 13, tool travel should be left to right andcounterclockwise around curves. When the guide ispositioned as shown in the second part of Figure 13,tool travel should be right to left and clockwise aroundcurves. If there is a choice, the first setup is generallythe easiest to use. In either case, the sideways thrustyou use is against the guide.GUIDEOUTSIDEROTATIONTHRUSTROTATIONFEED GUIDEGUIDEINSIDEROTATION_"_Gu,oE-- '/JROTATION_____/FEED_ THRUSTFig. 1312