CRAFTSMANROUTER_MODELNUMBER315.I7480iIIii;I fn. Model Number will be found on o plote ottochedto the End Cop. Alwoy5 II mentionthe Model Number in oll correspondenceregordingyour ROUTER II or when orderingreooir oorts.SEEBACKPAGEFORPARTSORDERINGINSTRUCTIONSPARTS LISTPortNumberKeyNo. DercriptionKeyNoQuon.PartNunScrr-706404-076-6rr492-00r-703432-582-623814-04t-623863-013-60668r-01r-9305t7-tIr-703473-32r-703768-802r-62172r-033-606535-012-606688-0tr-622931-O2l-623808-013-607409-013-606533-013-606536-01t-623281-O22-606534-01l-6r0696-012-606468-OSr-606489-04l-9/t0038-8(Mr-623795-022-6Xr796-02l-623797-Or2-62:1804-01l-f03428-253-606532-01r-606885-022-620iN3-800Do*rlptlon Quon.*Hex Nut W8-321* *srD54l00g .6Power Hondle Assembly(lncludesBoth Holves) IScrewW8-32 x 7a Fil. Hd.) 4Switch I*Screw Wl0-32 x r/a Pon Hd.lsrDstI t02 3Subbose I*Screw(V4-20x zh Rd. Hd.l 2LockWosher* *STD55l125 2*ScrewW6-32i 2 Rd. Hd.) IWosher IHeightAdiustingKnob,Right IEye Shield IScrewW642 x tA Fil. Hd) 2O-Ring 2HeightIndicotorCover IlndicotorKnob IHeightAdjustingKnob,Left I*Hex Nut #6-32', IHeightAdiustingPinion IHondleAssembly IBose IColletNut IScrew#8-32 x la Fil. Hd.l 3Spocer ILocking lever ISpring IHousingSkirt I*Screw#8-32 x Vz Flot Hd.l 2CreorRock ILeod IOrners Monuol (Notlllustroted)I l-795247-10 DriveScrew 4 | 3t2 1.617834-01 RubberBumper 2 |3 2-61215l-01 LosoPlote I | 324 4-606488-08 End Cop I I5 2-61|156-0l Doto Plote I | 336 t-616445-02 Screw(#8-18x I Fil.Hd.T.C.)3 | 347 2414703-02 Cord t | 358 t-623813-03 Wrench I I9 t-623173-01 Wire Connector(For#16 | 36o n d / o r # l S W i r e ), 5 | 3 7lO 2-613651-0l BendRelief. I | 381l l-61508l-l| *Screw(#8-18x 5/aPonHd. | 39r . c . ) 4 | 4 012 l-616287-0l CordClompPlote 2 | 4lt3 3-607857-0l BrushTube 2 | 4214 2-612567-0l BrushAssembly 2 | 4315 l-610980-0l PowerHondleCord I | 44t6 2-622824-0l BendRelief I | 4517 l-885883-26 Grommet I | 461 8 l - 6 1 1 1 2 3 - 0 l L i s h tH o u s i n so n d | 4 7C o r d A s s e m b l y I | 4 81 9 f - 6 1 3 9 3 1 - 0 4 * S c r e w# 8 - 3 2 x 5 / 1 6 R d .H d . ) 2 | 4 920 2-61|144-Ol' Lisht Shroud I | 502l l-610951-0l LightBulb(Stondord I 5lAutomotiveNo. 1004) I | 5222 2-611129-0l Work Lisht Lens. I I l923 l-624080-Of FrictionBond I I 5424 l-622140-32 Screw(#8-32x1/z Fil. Hd.) 2 | 5525 2-606525-0l ClompBor I | 5626 l-623793-0l Lock Nut I I 5727 l-623794-02 Jom Nut I | 5t28 6-610662-00 Colletwith RetoininoRino I | 5929 l-726676-02 *SetScrewW8-32ritlO- | 7l30 2-606508-03Hex Socket)Lock Knob2INOTE: "["-ffta rtrmbly shown -rcproicnl. .n importrnl prrt of thc Doublc Inrulrtod Syrtcm. To rvdd lho poribilltyof rllcrttion or drmegn lo thc Systcm, ilrvicc rhould bc porformcd by your Smru Ehclrlc |lctor !hop,/Spocielty Roprir Crnfcr. Conlrcl your n..rG3l Crlelog Ordrr or Rrlril Storo.*Slandard Hardware llem-May Be Purchascd Locally*'Avrlhblo Frorn Dlv. 9:F5ourco 9t0.O'"1Page 7