® To preserve naturalresources,pleaserecycleor disposeof properly.This product contains nickel-cadmiumbatteries. Local, state or federal lawsmay prohibit disposal of nickel-cadmium batteries in ordinary trash.Consult your local waste authority forinformation regarding availablerecycling and/or disposal options.BATTERY REMOVAL, PREPARATION FORRECYCLINGSee Figum &TO REMOVE:• Lock switch trigger by placing the forward/reverseswitch in center position. See Figure 4.• Remove cover securing batteries by depressingand pushing cover in the direction of the arrow asshown in figure 8.• Slide batteries from motor housing enough toexpose leads and battery terminals. Disconnectleads from battery terminals.Note: Be careful not to break battery terminalswhen disconnectingleads._. WARNING: Upon removal, cover the battery'sterminals with heavy dutyadhesive tape. Do notattempt to destroy or disassemble battery orremove any of its components. Nickel-cadmiumbatteries must be recycled or disposed ofproperly.Also, never touch both terminals withmetal objects and/or body parts as short circuitmay result. Keep away from children. Failure tocomply with these warnings could result in fireand/or serious injury. COVERBATTERYBATTERIESMOTORHOUSINGBATTERYTERMINALSF_g. 8KeyNo.WHEN SERVICING, USE ONLY IDENTICAL CRAFTSMAN REPLACEMENT PARTSPartNumber DescriptionBattery Charger(Item No. _-11081)974048-001 Battery Pack972000-597 Owner's Manual* Can Be Purchased Thru RSOS (Retail Special Order System)11