OWNER'S INSTRUCTIONSEDGER KITModel No. 292660CAUTION: Read all instructions and warnings before operatingSAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS! READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS!ATTACHING THE EDGER WHEEL AND BLADETo convert the mini tiller to an edger proceed as follows:1. Push the On/Oft switch to Off (O) position to stop engine andtines and disconnect spark plug to avoid accidental starting.See Stopping Instructions in the Mini Tiller Operator's Manual.NOTE: It may be necessary to lay the mini tiller / edger back in ahorizontal position on a flat level surface with the upperhandle touching the ground. Refer to the Mini TillerOperator's Manual.J_ JWARNING" To prevent serious personal injury, alwayswear heavy gloves when handling the tines.2. Remove the clickpin from each endof the tine shaftand slide the tinesoff the shaft (Fig. 1).3. Slide the edgerwheel, with thehub facing inward,onto the tine shaftas shown in figure2 and secure withthe click pin in theinside hole (Fig. 2).4. Slide the edgerblade with the hubfacing out onto thetine shaft as shownin figure 2 andsecure with the clickpin in the inside hole(Fig. 2).5. Guide the edgerblade along aTinesTineShaftFig. 1P__,,,_ ClickPinEdger__Edger BladeFig. 2flower bed, sidewalk, or driveway with the edger wheel alongthe outside edge. Use the edger guide line to line up edgerblade.AFFIXING THE EDGER GUIDE LINE DECALTo affix the Edger Guide Line decal, proceed as follows:1. After attaching theedger wheel andblade, clean theshield area with asoft damp clothand towel dry.2. Remove the labelbacking from theEdger Guide Linedecal.3. Place the decal as Fig. 3shown in figure 3with the Edger Cutting Line directly in line with the edger blade.This should be about 1-1/2 inches from the edge of the shield.4. Rub the decal firmly in place to ensure that the decal willproperly affix to the shield.OPERATING TIPS1,2,I 3.4.5.Position the edgerso that both rearwheels are firmlyand fullysupporting theunit.Start the unit byfollowing theStartingInstructions in theOperator'sManual.Fig. 4While holding the upper handle with both hands, slowly lowerthe edger blade into the ground (Fig. 4).Once the blade enters the ground, continue lowering the bladeuntil the edger wheel is firmly supported.Allow the unit to pull you forward in a controlled and steadymanner. Continue at a moderate pace until you are familiarwith the controls and the handling of the edger.PIN 769-04671 P00 (1/09)