CRRFT$1MRN®OWNER'S INSTRUCTIONSModel 139.53724Eight-Foot Rail Extension KitClose door end disconnect power to the garage dooropener before proceeding.The trolley muBt be In down (¢l_ed door) pos/t/on dutt_l•_m#/y _d It_//at/_t. If you have a completatyinstalledgarage door opener, the rail/opener assembly must be takendown, UP and DOWN Limitsmust be readjusted afterinstallation.Opener hanging brackets will require repositioningdue toincreased rail fength.H¢_/s/s a new/ltmtM/_ use the front (header) rail section,chain/cable assembly, end longer emergency release rope inthis kit in place of those packaged with your garage dooropener. Complete the assembly, installation,and adjustment ofyour opener according to your Owner's Manual./f th/s/s an eJdcUng/ns_//affon, oon#nue as fo//o w_-1. Pull down on the emergency release handle, thendisconnectthe trolley from the door arm,2. Disconnectthe rail/opener assembly from the headerbracket and hanging brackets, and place it on the floor.3. Remove the sprocketcover from the powerheed and setaside.4. Remove the outer nut (Figure 1) from the trolley shaft andset aside.5, Disconnectthe two master link assemblies from the trolley(F_'e 2) and discard,6, Remove idler putleyassembly and set aside.7. Remove the chain/cable assembly and discard,8, Remove the 1/4'-20xl-3/4 bolt and lock nut from the trolleystop hole in the front rail and set aside.9. Push the trolley back toward the opener head. Disconnectthe front rail section by using a screwdrivertip to pry up theouter tab on each side of the rail (Figure 3), then slide it offthe canter rail, Discard the front rail.10, Alignthe new front railwith the existing rail assembly,keeping the small holes along the same edge, and the cutcut =window* at the front (header) end. Be sure to keep itfight side up:/he/_'erpu/lay bcCthole above/he m'ndowislarger on top of/he nut then on the bottom. Slide the frontrailonto the assembly; tabs along the side will lock intoplace.11. As a temporary trolley stop, clamp a Iocldngpliers onto therail, 8" from the center of the idler pulley hdle, as shown inFigure 4. Slide the trolley assembly to this point.12. Refer to your owner's manual to complete the assembly, re-installationand adjustment of your opener13. Replsce the old emergency ralsese rope with the new,longer replacement rope.14. Reconnect power and operate the door in the UP direction.15. Increase the UP travel limit by turning the UP limitadjustment screw in a clockwisedirection as shown onlabel, One tum equals 2* of travel.RAILMuir LinkFigure3Figure 4PartNo.1_158-111,45249-126A531.4995Header rail extension8' ChakVCablaAssemb/yRopeMaster Lk_k/atmy1II1O1_, Sears, Roebuck& Co.114A2383 All RIQtttsReMrv_d Pdrtt_din MlJxt¢o