_JFigure 3=1\... jFigure 3=2Figure 3=3IMPORTANT:Your log splitterisshippedwith motoroil in theengine.However,you MUSTcheckthe oil levelbeforeoperating.Be carefulnot to overfill.NOTE: All referencesin this manualto the left or rightsideof thelogsplitterare from the operatingpositiononly.REMOVING THE LOG SPLITTER FROM THECARTON1. Prythe top, sidesand ends off of the crate.2. Set the panelsasideto avoidtire puncturesor personalinjury.3. Removeand discardthe plasticbag that coversthe log splitter.4. Removeany looseparts includedwith with the log splitter(i.e.,operator'smanual,etc.)5. Cut and removethe strapswhichsecurethe parts to the bottomofthe crate.Unboltany remainingparts which maybe boltedto thebottomof the crate.Useextremecautionunpackingthis machine.Somecomponentsarevery heavyand will requireadditionalpeopleor mechanicalhandlingequipment.LOOSE PARTS IN CARTON1. TongueAssemblyDisconnectthe sparkplug wireand groundit againstthe enginetopreventunintendedstarting.ASSEMBLING THE TONGUEAttaching the Jack StandThejackstand isshippedin thetransportposition.1. Removethe springclipand clevis pin and pivotthe jackstandtowardsthe groundto the operatingposition.2. Securethejackstandin positionwith theclevis pin and springclip.See Figure3-1.Attaching the Tongue1. With the logsplitterstill standingupright,removethe two hex boltsand hexnuts fromthe tank bracket.See Figure3-2.2. Align the holesin the tonguewith the holesinthe tank bracketandsecurewith the hardwarejustremoved.See Figure3-2.NOTE:The high pressurehosemustbe abovethe tongueassembly.CONNECTING CYLINDER TO BEAMThe log splitteris shippedwith the beamin the verticalposition.1. Pullout the verticalbeamlock, rotateit backand pivot the beamtothe horizontalpositionuntil itlocks.See Figure3-3.2. Disconnectthe dislodgerfromthe beamweldbracketby removingthe six hexscrews.See Figure3-4.7