LOG TRAYThelog tray is designedto catchthe log after it is split,END PLATETheend plateholdsthelog in placewhilethe wedgesplitsthe log.TONGUEThetongueis usedto attachto a towingvehiclefor transportation.CHOKE CONTROLThechokecontrol is usedto chokethe carburetorand assist in startingthe encinc.8. If enginefalters, movechoke controlbackto the CHOKEt'°,1positionand repeatsteps4 through7.TO STOP ENGINE1. Pushthe stop switchto the OFF position.See Figure10.2. Disconnectspark plugwireand ground it to preventaccidentalstartingwhilethe equipmentis unattended.USING THE LOG SPLITTER1, Placethe log splitteron flat, dry, solidground,2, Blockthe front and backof bothwheels.See Figure11.STOP SWITCHThestop switch is usedto turnoff the engineand mustbe pushedbackto the ON positionbeforethe enginewillstart.TO START ENGINE1. Attachsparkplug wireand rubberbootto spark plug.2. Gastank shouldbe filled 3/4 to full beforestarting.3. Pushthe stop switchto the ONposition.See Figure10.fChoke ControliStop SwitchVerticalHorizontalFigure113. Placethe beamin either thehorizontalor verticalpositionandlock it intoplace.4. Blockthe front and backof bothwheels.5. Placethe log againstthe end plateand only split woodalongthegrain (lengthwise).6. To stabilizethelog, placeyourleft handon the sideof the log.Neverplacea hand betweenthe log and thesplittingwedgeorthe log and end plate.Onlyone operatoris permitted.Theadultwho loadsand stabilizesthe log mustbe the personwhooperatesthecontrol handle.Figure104. Movethe chokeleverto the CHOKElxl pos t on.(Awarmenginemay not requirechoking.)See Figure10.5. Standingon the left sideof the log splitterand facingthe front ofthe engine,graspthe starterhandleand pull the ropeout until youfeela drag.6. Pull the ropewith a rapid,continuous,full armstroke.Keepa firmgrip on the starterhandle.Letthe rope rewindslowly.7. Repeat,if necessary,untilenginestarts.Whenenginestarts,movechokecontrolgraduallyto the RUN'_{ I position.12