PROBLEM POSSIBLECAUSE CORRECTIVEACTIONEnginefailstostart 1.Fueltankempty,orstalefuel 1. Fill tank with clean, fresh fuel2. Spark plug wire disconnected 2. Connect wire to spark plug.3. Faulty spark plug 3. Clean, adjustgap or replace.4. Throttlecontrolnot in correct 4. Move throttlecontrolto FASTposition positionLoss of power; operationerratic 1. Spark plug wire looseEngine overheatsToo much vibrationUnit does not discharge2. Unit runningon Choke3. Blocked fuel line or stale fuel4. Water or dirt in fuel system5. Carburetor out of adjustment6. Dirty air cleaner1. Carburetornot adjusted properly2. Engine oil level low1. Loose parts or damagedimpeller1. Dischargechute clogged2. Foreignobject lodgedinimpeller1. Connect and tighten spark plugwire2. Move choke lever to OFFposition3. Clean fuel line;filltank withclean, fresh gasoline.4. Disconnect fuel lineatcarburetorto drain fuel tank.Refillwith fresh fuel.5. ContactyourSEARS servicecenter.6. Serviceaircleaner.1.2.1.Contact your SEARS servicecenterFill crankcase with properoilStop engine immediatelyanddisconnectspark plug wire.Tighten all bolts and nuts.Makeall necessary repairs. If vibrationcontinues, have unit serviced bye SEARS service center.1. Stop engine immediatelyanddisconnectspark plug wire.clean flailscreen and inside ofblower housing.2. Stop engine immediatelyanddisconnectspark plugwire.Remove lodgedobject.Rate of discharge slows 1. Shreddingblade and/orchipping 1. Sharpen or replace blade(s)considerablyor compositionof blade dulldischarged material changesFor repairs beyond the minor adjustmentslisted above, please contact your nearestSEARS service center.18