& WARNING: Before using your chipper-shredder, refer to the safety rules onpages 3 and 4 of this manual again.Always be careful.GAS AND OIL FILL-UPOil (Packed with unit)• Only use high quality detergent oil rated withAPI service classification SF, SG or SH. Selectthe oil's viscosity grade according to yourexpected operating temperature. Follow thechart below.Co der _ 32°F _ Warmer_.==_.o L5W30 I SAE 30NOTE: Although multi-viscosity oils (5W30, 10W30,etc.) improve starting in cold weather, thesemultiviseosity oils will result in increased oilconsumption when used above 32°[::. Check the oillevel more frequently to avoid possible enginedamage from running low on oil.Fill engine with oil as follows.• Remove dipstick. See figure 10.1. Remove dipstickend fill oll 2. Remove capand fill gasFFigure 10With chipper-shredder on level ground, use afunnel to fill engine with oil to FULL mark ondipstick. Capacity is approximately 20 ounces.Be careful not to overfill.Tilt chipper-shredder toward the left (from behindthe hopper). See figure 11. Check oil level. Put theunit back on the ground carefully.,_ WARNING: Do not tilt unit holding thehand-hold.Add oil if necessary. Replace dipstick andtighten.Hold unit thisto tiltFigure 11NOTE: Do not overfill. Oil bottle packed with unitcontains 20 oz. of oil.GasolineWarning: Experience indicates that alcohol blendedfuels (called gasohol or using ethanol or methanol)can attract moisture which leads to separation andformation of acids during storage. Acidic gas candamage the fuel system of an engine while in storage.To avoid engine problems, the fuel system should beemptied before storage for 30 days or longer. Drainthe gas tank, start the engine and let it run until thefuel lines and carburetor are empty. Use fresh fuelnext season. See STORAGE instructions foradditional information. Never use engine orcarburetor cleaner products in the fuel tank orpermanent damage may occur.Fill gas tank with gas as follows.• Remove fuel cap. See figure 10.• Make sure the container (from which you willpour the gasoline) is clean and free from rust orforeign particles. Never use gasoline that maybe stale from long periods of storage in thecontainer.• Fill fuel tank with fresh, lead-free gasoline. DONOT use Ethyl or high octane gasoline.Replacefuel cap.