CLEANING THE FLAIL SCREENIf the discharge area becomes clogged, remove theflail screen and clean area as follows.• Stop engine, make certain the chipper-shredderhas come to a complete stop and disconnectspark plug wire from the spark plug.• Remove the two hand knobs on each side of thedischarge chute. Lift the discharge chute up,and keep it out of the way.• Remove two hairpin clips from the clevis pinswhich extend through the housing. Remove theclevis pins. See figure 18.Discharge ChuteChipper Chute_'HairpinClips,ClevisPinsScreenHexl=ut,WasherKnobsFigure 18• Pul!the flail screen from inside the housing. Seefigure 18. Clean the screen by scraping or washingwith water.• Reinstall the screen. Put the discharge chuteback to its original position and tighten the handknobs.NOTE: Be certain to reassemble the flail screen withthe curved side down.SHARPENING OR REPLACING THEBLADESChipper Blades• Disconnect spark plug wire and move it awayfrom spark plug.Remove the flail screen as instructed in previoussection.Using a 1/2" wrench, remove the chipper chuteby removing three hex nuts and washers. Seefigure 18. (Only two hex nut positions shown infigure.)NOTE: When reassembling, the cupped washer goeson the slot toward the bottom of the chipper chute withthe cupped side against the chute.Rotate the impeller assembly by hand until youlocate one of the two chipper blades in thechipper chute opening. Remove the blade, usinga 3/16" allen wrench on the outside of the bladeand 1/2" wrench on the impeller assembly(inside the housing). See figure 19.SlotBladeDischarge ChuteFigure 1914Remove the other blade in the same manner.Replace or sharpen blades.If sharpening, make certain to remove an equalamount from each blade.Reassemble in reverse order. Make certainblades are reassembled with the sharp edgefacing the direction shown in figure 19 (sharpedge is assembled toward the slotted opening atthe bottom).Torque bolts and nuts to 250-350 inch-pounds.