• Securethetwohandlesbytighteningtheupperwingnuts(carriageboltsmustbeseatedproperlyintothehandle).• Removethehairpinclipsfromthehandlebracketsandremovethecarriageboltsandwingnutsfromthelowerhandle.SeeFigure3.• Placethebottomholesinlowerhandleoverthepinsonhandlebracketsandsecurewithhairpinclips.• Insertcarriageboltsthroughupperholeinlowerhandlefromtheoutsideandsecurewithwingnuts.Wing NutsFigure 3Loosen the wing nut that secures the rope guideto the right side of upper handle.Pull the starter rope out of the engine slowly andslip the starter rope into the rope guide. Tightenthe wing nut.ATTACHINGTHE BAGBag Handle\StudFigure 4• Grasp bag handle with one hand and slidelocking rod on mounting bracket with other handtoward engine. Use the end of mounting bracketas leverage when sliding the locking rod.See Figure 4.• Slip bag over the rim of the discharge openingand release locking rod to secure bag in place.• Snap bag clip to the top of the lower handle.• Place the lower straps on the bag over the top oflower handle, hooking them on the studs.NOTE: The bag/chute switch button attached to themounting bracket must be fully depressed by the tipof front tab on bag handle when securing the bag orengine will not start.ATTACHINGTHE BLOWERCHUTENOTE: The bag must be removed before installingthe blower chute.• Grasp blower chute with one hand and slidelocking rod on mounting bracket with other handtoward engine. Use the end of mounting bracketas leverage when sliding the locking rod.See Figure 5.• Slip blower chute over rim of discharge openingand release locking rod to secure chute inplace.• Raise the nozzle height to the highest settingwhen using the blower chute. Refer to nozzleheight adjustment in the ADJUSTMENT sec-tion.NOTE: The bag/chute switch button attached to themounting bracket must be fully depressed by the tipof front tab on the blower chute or engine will notstart.BlowerFrontTab LockingRodRodFigure 5