• Assemble the large and small spray gun clips to theside of the tank using two #10 x 1/2" screws and #10lock washers. See figure 8.#10 x 1F2"SCREW#10 LOCKWASHERSPRAY GUNCLIP (LARGE)_SPRAY GUNCLIP (SMALL)FIGURE 8Slide a 3/8" hose clamp onto the boom connectinghose. Place the end of the hose through the conduitclamp (attached to the pump) and then slide asecond 3/8" hose clamp onto the hose. Leave hoseclamps loose for now. See Figure 9.Push the hose onto the hose adapter in the end ofthe "On-Off" valve. Tighten the hose clamp aroundthe hose and adapter. See figure 9.Position the valve and hose clamp up against theconduit clamp. Slide the other hose clamp againstthe other side of the conduit clamp. Tighten theclamp without collapsing the hose, See figure 9.Slide the 1/4" hose clamp onto the spray gun hoseand then push the hose onto the hose adapter on the1/4" tee fitting. Tighten the hose clamp around thehose and adapter. See figure 9.Wrap the hose around the top of tank and snap thespray gun into the clips on the front of the tank. (Thelarge clip holds the spray gun handle and the smallclip holds the wand.) Refer to figure 8.\ \\3/8" HOSE CLAMPSFIGURE 9114" TEE CONDUIT HOSECLAMPVIEWED FROM FRONTAttach the sprayer to the tractor hitch and connectthe wiring to the tractor battery. The red wire must beconnected to the positive post on the battery or to the"HOT" connection on a tractor switch or ammeter.The brown wire may be grounded or connected tothe negative battery post. See figures 10 and 11.IMPORTANT: This sprayer should be connected to 12volt batteries only!PUMP SWITCH QUICK COUPLERRED RED\BROWN BROWNFIGURE 10BA'I-FER¥& NEVER ALLOW NEGATIVE PIN ONPLUG TO COME IN CONTACT WITHPOSITIVE "HOT" POST ON BATTERY.FIRE OR EXPLOSION MAY RESULT!PLUGJ POSITIVE"HOT"POSTNEGATIVE PIN_ NEGATIVEPOST12 VOLT TRACTOR BATFERYFIGURE 116