EDGINGOPERATION' AkWARNING: Make sure that other peOple and pets are.at least 100 feetaway from Edger.NOTE: When there is heavy overgrowth of grass over the paved sin:face, the grassmay drag onthe Guard. An initial cut may be required-with the Edger on the grassside. "l_is will require lifting up the Edge Guide and may require reducing'the dep_of cut (See EDGE GUIDE and CUTTING DEPTH ADJUSTMENT instructions),Because of the direction of the Blade rotation, the E_lgetcan kicltback towards theoperator tf tt hits an obstruction such as thick; matted grass. Keep a firmgrasp onthe Handle, especially when edging in thick, matted material When using the Edgeralong a paved Surface, keep both rear wheels on the pavement.1. Set Cutdepth at 1"(see pg. 15). Locate Edge Guide Adjustment Lever,press in, and turnclockwiseto set Edge Guide in the down position.See EDGE GUIDE section-(pg. 16),2. Before startingthe Edger, !ine up the tool so theEdge Guide rests against the edgeof the paved surface(Fig.t1). The Cut Line Indicatoris helpfulin liningup the Edgerblade to the cut path. BothRear Wheels.shouldbe on the paved surfacewhen edging.Rg. 113. TOavoid I_ickbackof Edger. tiltthe Handle down so the blade is above the ground (Fig. 12a).4. Turn Edger On and allow blade to spin without moving tool.5. Slowlylift the Handle to lower the Blade, finding the edge of the paved sur(ace (Fig, 12b).Use the Cut Line Indicator to help position the Edger. Start edging, moving the too! forwardslowlyalong edge of paved surface, keeping the Edge Guide pressed lightly against thepavement edge.f . j: NOTE: ALWAYS stand to the left of the Handle. Any'debris thrown by the Ed'ger "would be coming from the Blade Guard area on the right of the Edger18