Craftsman 172.67098 Operator's Manual
Also see for 172.67098: Operator's manual
ItWeys to Help Prevont KJckbnck con1_pocI 1he wo_kp[#('.lo_o_"knot_ Or_ b0]ofe cul]l_rj _voT D,'_wI_lo _ knotor _,11t4 DO NOT cul warped _r w_l kimbor {_eoFig 5hi5 ALWAYS _lip_o_l I_e _._nol_ lo n'__.imtz_ lh_ _ek ol blnde pinching nnd Kickl_,_k. Lr_rg0p,_not_lend Io _g _ndol thei_own we_l_l (_ Fig. 5_). _ppOrl_ MU-_T b_ ptace_ unde_(_ Wh_ te_,l_l_ng lho s_w In llte w_ikpfoc_, CENTER lhe blade In Ihr=k_ll _nd _h_Ck to bo_ule thai lhe _aw le_lh ale noleng_O_t I_o Iho _'=_t_riat.ft fh_ _w _1_ i_ bil_llir_p,il _ywalk L_p_r Kickback k_m I110workpi_cl) whoetth_ e_w ts io_l_l_J7 DO NOT u_o a dull or d_m_ bt_e, U_sh,_poned. tmp_op_lly _;ol, _I gummed.L_pbl_de_8 U_E EXTRA CAUTION who_ m_ktnf__ *P_ck_ Cu "i_ o exts ng w_ _ 0 _ ,_r bl_ _tloesTh_ p_otllidlng blade may c_ _bfoc s _1c_n c_.o Kickback.9 KEEP lh_ bl_o _I Iho ¢o_t0¢1_/oplll s_lli_[_ Th(_ (Jepths_lltltg sh_uflJn_l _xc_Qd 1/4-Inchbol_w the malefiat botngcul (s_o Ft_. _). _IE SURE lh_l tho hi,do doplh ;_r_tJ_j_l_tlI_{lIo_kt_[__ve_ ._i_ ti_t_l _n'_ _e_:wo BEFORE m_l_g _ _;ul 11bt_d_ adjustll_l_l _hlIIs wl_loB!_d_!_ SOtTOODoap Corre_lBtnIl_ D_plhlghould r_otez=:eod1/4,1_b_fow workple_:_lREMOVING BATTERY PACK FROMCIRCULAR SAW (Flg 7)Z_ WARNING: Atwz_ysremovo bo:itory']peck Imm your Gnw when you aro_=_r_mbllng ]_r t_, ranking ndl_lment_. ]_embl[ng or romovtng blndo_ 1¢l_enlng, or when n_t In use Remr_vi_g_tlory p._ Will prevon! _CIII_tiZ| /starting thet €_uld c_use sortou_= /porson_t Injury. JLocalo t_lcho_ On sideG o{ L_tlo_ p_:tck _nddop_o_e, PUllback on b_ttery pack Wllife_Joprossillg ]a_cheslo rote_o i_itttory packi_oil,i_a\v1BCHARG|NGTHE BATTERY PACK (Fig 0 and 8_)Th_ Ll_ltOly pa_k l_" Ilzt_ I0o] h_5 b_OI1shlppo_Jill _t klw ch_rg_ con_tl_onto p_'_v_nlp{_lL_!Op_bIom_ Thot_foro, yotl 6hould chl]rgo ovetnlghl prior to riseI NOTE: B_tl_'i_s wilt not roach Á_ll ch_rgo tho flr_| it/no Ibey _'_ ch_3rgod,Allow_*vor_t| cyr:lo_ {oprzro,tlott foltowot_ by roch_l'glr tg) frK |horn to bocoml:, f*Jlly chn_gozJ>I Charge balloty pack o_ty with II'_ochaP_oi/li_flslo_rnoi thzz[was stippiir_dwith3 CD_ne_:l b_tlely ch_rger'_ Imn_;l_Im_r Iopower _llppt_4 PI_c_ _tle_ p_ck irt ch_r_ _l_n_, Al_nch_ln_ sland (So_ Ptg _lwilh c_t_!_l_ In ch_igtn_ slar__, Th_ ch_ing P,ttzne; hrzstwo ILED} i_cn!_r1_1t1.%_n_, _re_n P.ndon_ reel {_er_Pl_, l_aI,WI',_ n lh_ t:_tl_ry p_c_ t_ pill fnl_ I1_ _-ha_01_g_f_nd, _h_ _t_dLED wlfl tl_hl. Ir_d!cnllng lh_lWh_r_ Ih_. _llery p_k is ch_rg0d and_movx_ horn Ih_ ch,'lr_in_ eland> th_ _o_ I_hl_tl go Of_ Th_ gr_on LED will o_ 7 come onIPn_ i_ r_ql_l_o_Io fully roch_lgo balleiy p_ckfi baito_y p_ck i_ colnplol_ _hE_rg0_,Fig.8ChZilg_ftSidled/Fig _n • .,-II hlliiil; or hlngllt' llt tlh;t f(lfl_tl ltmO I;, mqUtlocf Ill ttllt 7 Itchal{iO balloiy p_lcktt Th_ billloiy p_ck wl_fbecc_n_!slighlf7 wttl'lel IO lh_ lolJ_h wt_ikl cbnrglit_ Tbi_ is normtllg Do i!ol placo I1_ b_llQly _llJll_ll lit_f_l ] I rllnr,!O_llll_r lrl llfl ti_o_ ol OXhom_tho_t _r cl_ld]I witl woIk b _J_,l _I llll_liliil l_til lltt_ p_tt_lti_ll&llllt pI;.W_r _lipplt, itilii _emllvrJ Ihil P_llo_ p_ck.NOTE; Wlthln Ihe w_rr=inly p_rlod, If Ihe cillirgt_tt elimd LED IlghLl do nol operltlopropolit'_ or the llhrir_ltn!] l_t rind ifoe_ no! l:hltf!to th_ baltory pit,k, _tum Ihe_hli_'_lnll slllnd I lrarili_omloi" trod baltel_/p_ck Io yol_r _el_re_t Sel_ _loro lit" olherCrllftsmlin oulfo! ior froe rl!phtcement, J191I |
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