7,5,9,NOTE: The left hand arbor hex nut is left handthreaded and is loosened by rotating it clockwise.The right hand arbor hex nut is right hand threadedand is loosened by rotating it counter-clockwise.Remove the Outer Wheel Flange (H) and then theabrasive wheel (I) from the arbor shaft.CAUTION: The new abrasive wheel to be put ontothe grinder must have a higher R.P.M. rating thanthe grinder (3450 R.RM.). The new abrasive wheelmust have the correct outer wheel diameter andbore diameter as original wheels. The label on theside of the abrasive wheel must stay on. DO NOTremove this label.10. Replace the abrasive wheel, outer wheel flange andarbor hex nut. NOTE: The left hand arbor hex nut isleft hand threaded and is tightened by rotating itcounter-clockwise. The right hand arbor hex nut isright hand threaded and is tightened by rotating itclockwise.CAUTION: DO NOT OVER-TIGHTEN the arbor hexnut as this may damage the abrasive wheel andcause serious injury to the operator,WIF{E WHEEL or BUFNNG WHEELBAEEA wire wheel or buffing wheel (A) can be used with yourgrinder. Depending on the thickness of the wheel, youwiii need to add one or more spacers to allow the arborhex nut to tighten correctly. These spacers are identicalto each other. Figure P shows the correct placement ofthe spacers (B) and (C).Note: One spacer (B) should always go onto the arborshaft first. The second spacer (C), if needed, wiii go onnext to the arbor hext nut (D) as shown. Always use thewheel flanges (E) that came with the grinder for bothwire wheel and buffing wheels. See section CHANGINGTHE GRiNDiNG WHEEL for correct procedure ofchanging wheels.14