Craftsman 151.30378 Operator's Manual
Also see for 151.30378: Operator's manual
10 ― EnglishOPERATIONSTARTING/STOPPING THE TRIMMERSee Figure 9-10.■ Attach the outlet end of an extension cord to the plugon the rear of the line trimmer.NOTE: Use only approved outdoor extension cords.■ Route the extension cord through the slot locatedon the rear of the line trimmer housing and placeunderneath the cord retainer.■ To start the line trimmer, press the switch trigger.■ To stop the line trimmer, release the switch trigger.OPERATING THE TRIMMERSee Figure 11.■ Hold the line trimmer as shown.■ Gently swing the trimmer from side to side .■ In order to achieve optimum cutting results, only cutdry grass.■ When cutting long or thick grass, start at the topof the grass blades and gradually work down to thebottom.■ If the line trimmer starts running slowly, reduce theamount of material you are trying to cut.IF GRASS BECOMES WRAPPED AROUND LINEHEAD SHAFT:■ Stop trimmer.■ Unplug the line trimmer.■ Remove the grass.ADJUSTING TRIMMER HEAD ANGLESee Figure 12.The trimmer head can be pivoted to seven differentpositions.■ Unplug the line trimmer.■ Push the pivot button and move the trimmer head upor down to one of the seven positions indicated by thenotches.NOTE: Adjust the trimmer head to the first, second andthird notches for trimming and notches four, five, sixand seven for edging, based on preferred trimming andedging position.■ Make sure the trimmer head is securely locked intoplace before resuming work.USING THE FLOWER GUARDSee Figure 13.NOTE: The flower guard provides a visual indicator ofthe maximum reach of the trimming line.When the flower guard is swung down, it can be usedas a distance guide for use around plants, poles andfence posts.ADVANCING LINES USING AUTO FEEDNOTE: The trimmer is equipped with an auto-feedhead. DO NOT bump the head to try to advance theline as this will damage trimmer and void warranty.■ With the trimmer running but NOT trimming, releasethe switch trigger.■ Wait two seconds, and press the switch trigger.NOTE: The line will extend approximately 3/16 in. witheach stop and start of the switch trigger until the linereaches the length of the line cut-off blade.■ Resume trimming.ADVANCING THE LINES MANUALLYSee Figure 1.NOTE: If lengthy line advancement is required, use theAdvance Button found on the side of the trimmer head.■ Release the ON/OFF Switch Trigger to stop the unit,and unplug the trimmer.■ Depress the manual advance button, and pull one orboth of the two lines. The lines will advance 3/16 inchand stop. Push the button again to advance more line.■ Push the button and pull lines out as many times asit takes to reach the line cut-off blade. Always advanceboth lines to the same length.ROTATING MAIN HANDLE FOR EDGINGSee Figure 14.NOTE: The best method of edging is performed withthe main handle rotated.■ Unplug the line trimmer.■ Press the rotational lock button and rotate the mainhandle clockwise.■ Release button when main handle has been rotated180° to the edging position.EDGINGSee Figure 15-16.■ The rotating main handle can be used in combinationwith the flower guard for edging sidewalks andwalkways. To use the flower guard, flip down from itsstored position. |
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