ii ...............ASSE L¥THIS SNOW THROWER iS EQUIPPED WITH "TRAC-PLUS" AND ONLYMOVES EFFECTIVELY WHEN ENGnNE iS RUNNINGif your snow thrower must be moved without the aid of the engine, it will be easier' to pull the snow thrower' back-ward by the handles, rather than pushing°On start up, the track drive system may be tight and wilt loosen up as the snow thrower is used. After first use,check the track for tension and adjust if necessary.. See the Track Adjustment paragraph in the Service and Adjust-ments section of this manual, Check track adjustment and fasteners regularly.CONTENTS OF SHIPPING CARTON TOOLS REQUnRED FOR ASSEMBLY1 - Snow thrower completely assembled except forthe crank assembly and the upper handle, which is inthe folded down position°1 - Parts Bag Containing:1 - Owner's Manual (Not Shown)Parts Shown Below:1 - Knife (to cut carton and plastic ties)2 - 1/2 inch Wrenches (or adjustable wrenches)2 - 9/16 inch Wrenches (or adjustable wrenches)2 - 3/4 inch Wrenches (or adjustable wrenches)t - Pair' Pliers or Screw Driver (to spread cotter pin)GI - Fiat WasheriiIili!iIiiiIflmlilq_2- 5/16- 18 x 1 - 3/8 In.Hex Head BoltsO1 -5/16-18 Hex Nut2 - 5/! 6 - 18 LocknutsO1 - 5/16 In. Lockwasher