SERVICE ATO REPLACE FRICTION WHEELif the snowthrower will not move forward, and the frictionwheel is worn or damaged, you need to replace it, asfollows:o Drain the gasoline from the fuel tank by removingthe fuel line Drain the fuel and reinstall the fuel line,o Disconnect the spark plug wire,® Stand the snow thrower up on the auger housingend (See Fig 31)oe Remove the bottom panel (See Fig. 28),• Remove the self-tap screws from the bearing at theleft end of the hex shaft (See Fig. 32 and 33).® Remove the bolts and nuts from the bearing at theright end of the hex shaft (See Fig. 33)CAUTION: DRAIN GASOLINE OUTDOORSAWAY FROM FIRE OR FLAME.ADJUST E T$FRICTION WHEELHEX SHAFTTRUNIONBEARINGSlide the hex shaft to the right until the frictionwheelcan be removed,,install the new friction wheel loosely on the hexshallReinstall the removed parts in reverse order of re-moval,FIG. 32LOCKWASHERNUT,BOLTHEX SHAFTHUBLOCKWASHER BOLTFIG, 33FIG. 312O