CHECK SPARK PLUGRemove the spa rk plug each time youchange oil and inspect it.a. The electr od es shou ld be kept cleana nd free of carb on. The presence ofca rbon o r excess oil will greatly deterproper engine performance .b. If possible, check the spark plug gap(area between electrodes) using a wirefee ler gauge. Th is specification shouldbe .030 .If you need a new Spark Plug refer to thepar ts list for the proper replacement SparkPlug.Bef ore insta lling Spark Plug coat threadslightly with Graphite Grease if possible toinsure easy removal next time the Spark.Plug needs inspection.6STORAGE INSTRUCTIONSIf you ar e going to store your engine forany length of time (30 days or longer orat the end of the season) you must :a. DRAIN THE GAS TANK.b. DRAIN THE CARBURETOR by allowingengine to run out of gas. Gasoline leftin your engine wi ll leave gum depos 1tsin the carburetor and gas tank. Thismakes fuel system inopera tive and willresult in hard or non-starting of engine.c. CLEAN ENGIN E of all foreign matter .d. LUBRICATE CYLINDER by removing thespa rk plug and pouring one ounce ofclea n lubr icating oil through the sparkplug hole int o the cylinder. Crank en -gine slowly to spread oil and replaceSpark Plug.GENERALJ ust as you r auto mobile needs profess1onalmechanical maintenance from time to time,so does yo ur ai r cooled engine. Cleaningand adjust ing of the Carburetor and periodicreplacement of th e Spark Pl ug and igni tionpoints is made necessary by NORMAL use.0 Professi onal Air Cooled Engine Service isas close as your nearest SEARS STORE.A yearly ch e ck-up or tu ne-up by Sears is agood id ea to avoid breakdowns or delay it at t he e nd of the season, then yo u'reready for t he next . We even prepare it forstorage for you.another free manual from