CRAfTSMAN QUALITY ENGINEGUARANTEEWe guarantee all Craftsman Engines to be free from defects in material and workman-ship. When properly used, cared for, and maintained, we will replace at our option and in-stall, without cost to you, fo r a pe riod of one (1) year from date of sale, any part whichproves, upon our examination, to be defective under normal use.This guarantee does not cover adjustments to carburetors, !gnition points, replacementof spark plu gs, clean in g, sharpen ing of blades, or any serv ice or adjustment made necessaryby normal use and wear nor does it cover any failures which are a result of impropercare, neg ligence, abuse, failure to lubricate proper ly or use of contaminated fuels orlubricants.Damage resulting from striking solid or foreign objects (rocks, tree roots, sprinkler heads,iron pipe, walk edge, etc.) is not covered by this guarantee.Equipment used for rental or commerc i al purposes is guaranteed only for th i rty (30)days.SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO.C U S T 0 M E R' S R E S P 0 N S I B I L I T I E SAlways use care when operating mechanical or powered equipment. Keep clear ofmoving parts, be lts or cha ins. Do not work on equipment with the engine running.Avoid striking or running into solid objects or debris in the are a to be worked. Clearthe area of foreign objects such as: sticks, stones, wire, etc. Keep your equipmentclean and check for loose bo lts, nuts and fasteners. Check the engine oil r egu larlyand change it as outlined in your engine manual.Your guarantee is intended to provide you w ith adequate protection agai nst failures dueto defects in material or wo rkm ansh ip but it does not cover adjustments or r ep lacem entof parts due to normal wear or use nor does it cover dam age that may result in use.3another free manual from