Craftsman 139.53778 Owner's Manual
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i Aodel 139.537783-Fu nction Transmitter Owners ManualF+CC+rules prohibit adjustments to or modification of receiver andlor transmitter circuitry except for changing the code settingand replacing transmitter battery. THERE ARE NO OTHER USER SERVICEABLE PARTS_Manufactured under I or mors of th_ lot[owingUS palents: RE29,525; 4,037,201;4,750jt8; 4.806,930MATCH THE CODE IN NEW AND EXISTING TRANSMITTERSIf this transmitter will be used wlth an existing transmitter to ope_te the same receiver(a), proceed as follows:Locate the code switches in original transmitter(s), Open the battery compartment cover in the new 3-function transmitterto access the code _witches, Place the transmitters side by side as shown below.+Set code switches in the new transmitter to the same positions as code switches in the odglnal transmitter(s),NOTE 1: Code switches #2 through #9 In ALL transmitters used to operate a receiver must be set to match. (Codeswitch #1 on a 3-function transmitter is neutral, Set it to ANY position. It will not affect the code selected.NOTE 2: If the original transmitter(s) has only 7 or 8 code switches, set code switches #8 and/or #9 to center(0) position in new transmitter,3-Fur_l_onTransmitlerCede Switches(_._)C:3 C:_ H J 3-Funclion_ Transmitte,"i_--"_1_""_ + tl Code Switches O "3-Func_nMini TransrnirierCode Switches(_-9)REPLACEMENT PARTS: Case, top and bottom (No circuit board) - 41A3476; Visor clip - 290128; 12V Battery. 10A14CHANGE THE CODE IN RECEIVER AND TRANSMITTER(S)530OOSR SERIES0NITH REC-EIVER 'SR' CODE B_N)Garage Door Openers and Light Controls(ltlustration A shows e garage door opener receiver)SeJec[a transmlt_er==push buttc_ to _,_operatereceiverPUsh ButlonsCede Bu_on u_Make sure all transmitters are set tomatching code switchpositions as described above.1+Press the 'SR' code button on your receiver+(illustra-tion (A) shows a representative garage door openerreceiver). The indicator light will turn ON,2, STAND AWAYFROM DOOR ar_ press the SELECTEDPUSH BUTTON of one transmitter. The indicator lightwill turn OFF and door will move.Code In receiver nowmatches transmitter(s) code and will activate when theselected transmitter push button is pressed,NOTE." If transmitter push button le not pressedwithin 30 seconds, the lndic.slor light will turn OFF,Repeat 1 and 2.To use the 3-Function Transmitterwith other 53000 SRSeries receivers: Select anothertransmitter pushbuttontooperatea Ught Control or additbnal garagedooropener.All transmitters used tooperate receiver mt_'t be set to thesame code (as described abo_e). Then repeat t and 2.You can select a different transmitter push button to oper-ate each device.114Al154B53000 SERIES(WITH RECEIVER CODE SWITCHES)Garage Door Openers and Light Controls(Illustration B shows n garage door opener receiver)PushButlon(-)_PushButton(0)PushBunon(+)Bt%%% []lCode switch #1 in (-) pos'll_on, Receiver w_ltoperate wibh transmitters' large push bullonSelect aIransmit[erpush but_c,nto operatereceiverSlide receivercode switch # Ito posldon b"_tmatches selectedIransmillerpush buttonMake sure 811transmitters are set to malching code switchpositions as described above.I. Select a transmitter push button to operate the receiveras shown in Figure B,2. Set RECEIVER code switch #1 to match the positionof the transmitter push button selected. Refer toIllustration (B). Then set remaining code switches inreceiver to match the transmitter(s) code switch positions.NOTE: if the receiver has only 7 or 8 switches, settransmitter swttch #8 and/or #9 to (0)oTo use the 3-Function Transmitter with other 53000Series receivers: Set receiver code swilch #1 to matchthe position of another transmitter push button+ Then setremaining code switches to match transmitter(s) codeswitches+Code switches #2 through #9 in all transmitters usedto operate the receiver MUST be set to matchingpositions.i ii ii ii i H ml ii i H ii ilmlll.,. ,ll.ll.llHll@ 1990_Sears Roebuck & CompanyAll Rights Reserved Printed In Mexk:o |
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