Invisible Light BeamProtection AreaSensorSensorConnect Wire toOpener TerminalsBell WireBell Wire FinishedCeilingOPENER TERMINAL SCREWSSensorConnectionsDoor ControlConnections(dotted line)1 2 3Mounting and Wiring the Safety Sensors• Slide a 1/4"-20x1/2" carriage bolt head into the sloton each sensor. Use wing nuts to fasten sensors tobrackets, with lenses pointing toward each otheracross the door. Be sure the lens is not obstructed bya bracket extension. See Figure 5.• Finger tighten the wing nuts.• Run the wires from both sensors to the opener. Useinsulated staples to secure wire to wall and ceiling.• Strip 1/4" of insulation from each set of wires.Separate white and white/black wires sufficiently toconnect to the opener terminal screws: white to 2 andwhite/black to 3.Aligning the Safety Sensors• Plug in the opener. The indicator lights in both thesending and receiving eyes willglow steadily if wiringconnections and alignment are correct.Thesending eye orange indicator light will glowregardless of alignment or obstruction. If the greenindicator light in thereceiving eye is off, dim, orflickering (and the invisible light beam path is notobstructed), alignment is required.• Loosen thesending eye wing nut and readjust,aiming directly at the receiving eye. Lock in place.• Loosen thereceiving eye wing nut and adjust sensorvertically and/or horizontally until it receives thesender’s beam. When the green indicator lightglowssteadily, tighten the wing nut.23Figure 6 Wiring the Safety SensorsTrouble Shooting the Safety Sensors1. If thesending eye indicator light does notglowsteadily after installation, check for:• Electric power to the opener.• A short in the white or white/black wires. These canoccur at staples, or at screw terminal connections.• Incorrect wiring between sensors and opener.• A broken wire.2. If the sending eye indicator lightglows steadily but thereceiving eye indicator light doesn't:• Check alignment.• Check for a broken wire to the receiving eye.3. If the receiving eye indicator light is dim, realign eithersensor.NOTE: When the invisible beam path is obstructed ormisaligned while the door is closing, the door willreverse. If the door is already open, it will not close.The opener lights will flash 10 times. (If bulbs are notinstalled, 10 clicks can be heard.) See page 21.Figure 51/4"-20x1/2"Carriage bolt LensWing nut