OPTION WITHEXISTING CRAFTSMANINSTALLATIONHeader BracketIdler PulleyHeader WallHeaderBracketMountingHoleExistingHeader BracketSpacerMountingHoleExistingClevis PinNOTE: (Optional) With an existing Craftsmaninstallation, you may re-use the old header bracketwith the two plastic spacers included in the hardwarebag. Place the spacers inside the bracket on eachside of the rail, as illustrated.• Position the opener on the garage floor below theheader bracket. Use packing material as aprotective base.If the door spring is in the way you'll need help.Have someone hold the opener securely on atemporary support to allow the rail to clear thespring.• Position the front rail end within the header bracketand join with a 5/16"x1-1/2" clevis pin as shown.• Insert a ring fastener to secure.15Installation Step 3Attach the Rail to the Header BracketClevis Pin 5/16"x1-1/2" Ring fastenerHardware Shown Actual Size