17• Position the miter gauge body at desired angle and tightenthe locking handle.• Ensure the workpiece is straight and tight against mitergauge body so that the workpiece does not rock or rotate.Always use both hands when operating the miter gauge.• The miter gauge is used for cross-cutting, compound mitercutting, miter cutting, rabbeting, bevel cutting and dadoing.Figure 45Locking HandleGauge StopMiter GaugeBody Roller GuideGuide BarIndex Stop AdjustingScrew & Lock Nut (x3)SETTING FENCE PERPENDICULAR AND PARALLELRefer to Figure 43.PERPENDICULAR ADJUSTMENT• Position fence anywhere on table and lock it down.• Place a square on the table next to the fence and check tosee that the fence is at 90° to the table.Figure 43 PerpendicularAdjustmentParallelAdjustmentCURSOR ADJUSTMENTRefer to Figure 43.• Raise the saw blade above the table.• Position the fence several inches to the right of the sawblade.• Lock the fence down and measure the exact distancebetween the saw blade and the inside of the fence.• Loosen the screw on the right lens and slide it left or rightuntil the cursor (red line) equals the measurement obtainedin the previous step.• Retighten the screws and make a test cut. Measure thecut piece to verify that the cursor is correctly set.• Affix the rip fence several inches to the left of the saw bladeand perform the procedure described above for the leftlens.NOTE: This adjustment should be checked whenever a newblade is installed.Curser ScrewMITER GAUGE ADJUSTMENTRefer to Figure 45.• Miter gauge supplied with saw is equipped with individuallyadjustable index stops at 0° and 45°, right and left, andcan be manually adjusted up to 60° right and left.Adjustment to index stops can be made by loosening thedesired locking nut and tightening or loosening three adjust-ing screws. Be sure to tighten locking nut after adjustmentis made.• Face of the miter gauge has two holes for the purpose ofattaching an auxiliary fence.• Miter gauge is accurately constructed for precision workand is guided through the T-slot with a roller guidemounted at front of guide bar. Roller guide adds to mitergauge’s stability and prevents the guide bar from leavingthe T-slot.• To operate the miter gauge, simply loosen locking handleand move the miter gauge body to the desired angle. Themiter gauge will stop at 0° and 45°, both right and left. Toposition miter gauge body past these points, simply pull outgauge stop.Curser ScrewRIP FENCE OPERATIONRefer to Figure 44.• Unlock the fence by lifting the locking lever. Using thescale for placement, position the rip fence. Lock the ripfence into position by placing the locking lever in the downposition.• The rip fence is used for the following operations: ripping,bevel ripping, ploughing, resawing, rabbeting and dadoing.Figure 44Fence LockingLeverPARALLEL ADJUSTMENT• Position fence so that fence edge is aligned with slot edge.• Slot and fence edge should be parallel.• If an adjustment is necessary, unlock the fence and turneither of the two adjusting screws.• Lock fence in position and recheck. Continue this proce-dure until fence is square to the table.