Operation (continued)Vacuuming Dry Materials1. The filter must always be in correctposition to reduce the risk of leaks andpossible damage to Vac.2. When using your Vac to pick up veryfine dust, it will be necessary for you toempty the drum and clean the filter atmore frequent intervals to maintainpeak Vac performance.NOTE: A dry filter is necessary to pick updry material. If you use your Vac to pickup dust when the filter is wet, the filter wiltclog quickly and be very difficult to clean.Dry the filter before storing.Emptying the Drum_ WARNING: To reduce the risk ofinjury from accidental starting, unplugpower cord before emptying the drum.1. Remove the power head of the Vac bypulling outward on the latches locatedon each side of the Vac. Lift off thepower head by the handle.2. Dump the drum contents into theproper waste disposal container.j HandleVacuuming Liquids_, WARNING: Do not operatewithout filter cage and float, as theyprevent liquid from entering theimpeller and damaging the motor.1. When picking up small amounts ofliquid the filter may be left in place.2. When picking up large amounts ofliquid we recommend that the filter beremoved. If the filter is not removed,it wilt become saturated and mistingmay appear in the exhaust.3. When the liquid in the drum reaches apredetermined level, the floatmechanism will rise automatically to cutoff air-flow. When this happens, turn offthe Vac, unplug the power cord, andempty the drum. You wilt know that thefloat has risen because Vac airflowceases and the motor noise wiltbecome higher in pitch, due toincreased motor speed.4. After using the Vac to pick up liquids,the filter must be dried to reduce therisk of possible mildew and damage tothe filter.IMPORTANT: To reduce the risk ofdamage to the Vac do not run motor withfloat in raised position.HeadLatch (2)Pull Latches_ Outward and ThenLift Power Head Up_ By The Handme