Operation (continued)Blowing FeatureYour Vac has a "detachable blower".It has the capability to be used as adedicated blower for yard work, patiocleanup and workshop applications toblow sawdust and other debris.A WARNING: Always wear safetyeyewear complying with ANSI Z87.1(or in Canada, CSA Z94.3) beforeusing as a blower.WARNING: To reduce the risk ofinjury to bystanders, keep them clearof blowing debris.,_k CAUTION: Wear a dust mask ifblowing creates dust which might beinhaled.A CAUTION: To reduce the risk ofhearing damage, wear ear protectorswhen using the Vac/Blower forextended time or in a noisy area.1. Familiarize yourself with the detach-able blower portion of your Vac.2. Remove the detachable blower of yourVac by pressing down on the latchunder the handle of the detachableblower. This latch holds the detach-able blower to the lid assembly.3. Lift the detachable blower up byraising the handle upward and pullingthe unit away from the nested positionof the hinges.Detachable BlowerAssembly/Usage2. Insert the male-to-male adapter intothe blowing port of the detachableblower. Connect the large end of theextension wand to the male-to-maleadapter. Connect the blower nozzle tothe extension wand.3. Turn the blower "ON" by toggling theswitch in the handle of the blower tothe "ON" position.This may be assembled two ways.1. Insert the small end of one of the _._.extension wands into the blowing port _"'_of the detachable blower. Insert the _male-to-male adapter into the _-_;_extension wand and install the blowernozzle onto the male-to-male adapter.11-- OR --_///Blowing PortWandAdapterBlowincNozzleThe detachable blower may also be usedfor blowing using the seven foot hosesupplied with the Vac.Install the male-to-male adapter in theblowing port of the Vac.Assemble the hose to the blowing portand connect the blower nozzle to theopposite end of the hose.The unit is ready for blowing applications.PortBlowingNozzleNozzle