The call will nowbe placed.To end the call,tap the redEnd Call icon.Tap the greenCall button.Tap that entryto get the greenCall button. Thentap the greenCall button, asshown.To search forsomeone ina specific list(Favorites orRecents), tapthat list and thenscroll down tolocate the entryyou want to call.2134 Once you’vetyped in thenumber oraddress, tapthe greenCall button toplace the call.Tap the greenCall button.Enter a name,number oraddress. Possiblematches andsuggestionsappear as youtype.If the correctmatch appearsin the list tap it,and then tap thegreen Call button.Tap the Searchor Dial field.This invokes thekeyboard.2134Place a Call Using Name, Number, or AddressPlace a Call From Contact ListD1539105 February 2021© 2021 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.To stopsharingcontent, tapStop Sharing,as shown.Connect thesource to theroom device witha suitable cable,or go for wirelesssharing from theWebex Teamsapp. Make surethe source hasbeen switchedon and tapShare.To discontinuethe preview, tapStop preview.To share contentwith the remoteparticipants, tapShare in call.134Share Content in a CallTap Localpreview to viewthe contentwithout sharingit. Tap the X inthe upper rightcorner, to returnto the previousscreen.2To share content locally (outside a call), justtap the blue Share button (not shown).Cisco Touch Controller — Quick Reference Guide for Webex Enabled Room Devices