1Doc. No.Copyright © 1995Cisco Systems, Inc.All rights reserved.Cisco 7010 and Cisco 7505Chassis Replacement Instructions78-1230-02Cisco 7010 Product Numbers: CHAS-7010-DC=, CHAS-7010-AC=Cisco 7505 Product Numbers: CHAS-7505-DC=, CHAS-7505-AC=Customer Order Number: DOC-781230=This document provides instructions for replacing Cisco 7010 and Cisco 7505 chassis as spare parts.Note When referring to both the Cisco 7010 and Cisco 7505 chassis, the term the chassis will beused.Chassis are available as spare parts, and include all of the components required for operation exceptthe processor modules. After you replace the chassis, you must move the processor modules fromyour old chassis into your new chassis.The replacement chassis do not include the cable management or rack-mounting hardware kits. Youcan move the rack-mounting hardware and cable management brackets from the existing chassis, ororder either kit as a spare part, which will ship with installation instructions.The sections in this document include the following:• Product Overview, page 2• Prerequisites, page 4• Replacing the Chassis, page 8— Replacing a Rack-Mounted Chassis, page 9— Installing the Cable Management Brackets, page 12— Moving Processor Modules, page 14— Checking the Installation, page 18— show Command Descriptions and Examples, page 20• Cisco Information Online, page 22