Maintenance• Basic Reset, on page 1• Perform Network Configuration Reset, on page 3• Perform User Network Configuration Reset, on page 3• Remove CTL File, on page 3• Quality Report Tool, on page 4• Voice Quality Monitoring, on page 4• Cisco IP Phone Cleaning, on page 5Basic ResetPerforming a basic reset of a Cisco IP Phone provides a way to recover if the phone experiences an error andprovides a way to reset or restore various configuration and security settings.The following table describes the ways to perform a basic reset. You can reset a phone with any of theseoperations after the phone has started up. Choose the operation that is appropriate for your situation.Table 1: Basic Reset MethodsExplanationActionOperationResets any user and network setupchanges that you have made, butthat the phone has not written to itsFlash memory, to previously savedsettings, then restarts the phone.Press Applications . Go toAdmin settings > Reset settings >Reset device.Restart phoneResets user and network setupsettings to their default values, andrestarts the phone.To reset settings, pressApplications and chooseAdministrator Settings > ResetSettings > Network.Reset settingsResets the CTL file.To reset the CTL file, pressApplications and chooseAdministrator Settings > ResetSettings > Security.Maintenance1