Troubleshooting• General Troubleshooting Information, page 1• Startup Problems, page 3• Phone Reset Problems, page 5• Phone Cannot Connect to LAN, page 6• Audio Problems, page 6• General Telephone Call Problems, page 7• Report All Phone Issues with the Configuration Utlility, page 8• Troubleshooting Procedures, page 8• Additional Troubleshooting Information, page 9General Troubleshooting InformationThe following table provides general troubleshooting information for the Cisco IP Phone.Table 1: Cisco IP Phone TroubleshootingExplanationSummaryCisco does not support connecting an IP phone to another IP Phonethrough the PC port. Each IP Phone should connect directly to a switchport. If phones are connected together in a line by using the PC port,the phones do not work.The Cisco 7832 conference phone does not have a PCport.NoteConnecting a Cisco IP Phone toanother Cisco IP PhoneA prolonged Layer 2 broadcast storm (lasting several minutes) on thevoice VLAN may cause IP phones to reset, lose an active call, or beunable to initiate or answer a call. Phones may not come up until abroadcast storm ends.Prolonged broadcast storms cause IPphones to reset, or be unable to makeor answer a callCisco IP Conference Phone 7832 Multiplatform Phones Administration Guide1