C H A P T E R2-1Cisco Video Surveillance 6000P IP Camera Installation GuideOL-28118-012Camera InstallationThis chapter provides information and instructions for installing the Cisco Video Surveillance6000P IP Camera, and includes the following topics:• Installation Guidelines, page 2-1• Warnings Before Installation, page 2-1• Installing the IP Camera, page 2-4Installation GuidelinesThis section describes how to install the IP camera. Before installing, review these guidelines:• The IP camera requires a network cable and a connection to a standard 10/100BaseT router orswitch. To power the IP camera with Power over Ethernet (PoE), a switch must be 802.3afcompliant.• If you are using the IP camera on a network connection that does not provide PoE, you must use aCisco 12 VDC power adapter (Cisco part number CIVS-PWRPAC-12V) or a third-party 24 VACpower adapter.• If you are using an input device, output device, or pan/tilt control device, you must configureadditional settings after installing and performing the initial set up of the IP camera before theexternal device can fully operate. For detailed information about these settings, see the Cisco VideoSurveillance 6000 Series IP Camera Configuration Guide.• If you do not connect an external device (input, output, or pan/tilt control) when you perform thefollowing installation procedure, you can install any of these devices later.Warnings Before Installation• Power off the Network Camera as soon assmoke or unusual odors are detected.Contact your distributor in the event of thishappening.• Keep the Network Camera away fromwater. If the Network Camera becomes wet,power off immediately.Contact your distributor in the event of thishappening.