CAPINTEC, INC CAPTUS® 2000return you to the previous screen without saving any count data. Note that when the roombackground is measured after the capsule count, it is always only measured once.Choose the correct type of dose, either capsule or liquid from the Dose Form box. SelectingCapsule will result in the word capsule count on the results report. By selecting Liquid, theterm dosage will be substituted in any report for the word capsule. Choosing a dose formonly affects the wording of the results report, and has no effect on the measurement processor calculations.The Predose Measurements box can enable or disable the predose measurement option.The predose option should be enabled whenever a patient has received radioactive materialbefore an uptake procedure is to be performed. When Enabled is selected, and the countsequence initiated, a screen will appear and ask the user, “Perform Predose Measurement?Yes. No.” If Yes is selected, then a measurement of the patient’s thigh and neck should beperformed before any thyroid uptake radiopharmaceutical is administered. These predosemeasurements will be subtracted from subsequent thyroid uptake measurements. If No isselected, then the Predose measurement will be omitted. If Disabled is selected from theoption box, then predose measurements will be omitted.NOTE: The thyroid uptake predose measurement part of the CAPTUS® 2000 software has apeak finding algorithm that searches for the photopeak that corresponds to the particularisotope (I-123, I-131, or Tc99m) that will be administered for the thyroid uptake as defined inthe protocol. If the peak is not found, a message will appear stating that no residual activitywas found. If a peak is found, the predose measurement records and subtracts the countinformation from the same Region of Interest as the isotope that will be administered. Thepredose measurement count rate will also be decay corrected using the same half life as theisotope chosen for the thyroid uptake. Therefore, the predose measurement should only beused when the previously administered isotope is the same isotope that will be used for thethyroid uptake. For example, the predose measurement can be used for thyroid cancerpatients who have been treated with I-131 for tumor oblation, and then have a subsequent I-131 thyroid uptake performed to evaluate the efficacy of the treatment.IsotopeSelect the isotope to be administered from the isotope drop down box as appears in Figure6-8. The choices are I-123, I-131, or Tc99m.Figure 6-8July 00 THYROID UPTAKE 6-7