44AppendixAppendix and all rights and obligations under thelicense conditions to transferee and (b) suchtransferee agrees to be bound by all theseconditions.(6) You may not decompile, reverse engineer,disassemble or otherwise reduce the code ofthe SOFTWARE to human readable form.(7) You may not modify, adapt, translate, rent,lease or loan the SOFTWARE or createderivative works based on the SOFTWARE.(8) You are not entitled to remove or makeseparate copies of the SOFTWARE from thePRODUCT.(9) The human-readable portion (the sourcecode) of the SOFTWARE is not licensed toyou.Notwithstanding (1) through (9) above, thePRODUCT includes third-party software modulesaccompanying the other license conditions, andthese software modules are subject to the otherlicense conditions.Please check Platform Version of the PRODUCTand refer to the other license conditions of third-party software modules described in Appendixof Manual for the corresponding PlatformVersion. This Manual is available at http://canon.com/oip-manual.By using the PRODUCT, you shall be deemed tohave agreed to all applicable license conditions.If you do not agree to these license conditions,please contact your service representative.About This ManualScreensScreens of the touch panel display used in thismanual are those taken when the imageRUNNERADVANCE C5560i has the following optionalequipment attached to it:• Booklet Finisher-Y1• Buffer Pass Unit-L1• 2/4 Hole Puncher Unit-A1• Cassette Feeding Unit-AM1• Super G3 FAX BoardNote that functions that cannot be useddepending on the model or options do not appearon the touch panel display.IllustrationsIllustrations used in this manual are those displayedwhen the imageRUNNER ADVANCE C5560i has thefollowing optional equipment attached to it:• Cassette Feeding Unit-AM1TrademarksMac is a trademark of Apple Inc.Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista, WindowsServer, Internet Explorer, Excel, and PowerPoint areeither registered trademarks or trademarks ofMicrosoft Corporation in the United States and/orother countries.Other product and company names herein may bethe trademarks of their respective owners.Third Party SoftwareThis Canon product (the “PRODUCT”) productincludes third-party software modules. Use anddistribution of these software modules, includingany updates of such software modules(collectively, the “SOFTWARE”) are subject tolicense conditions (1) through (9) below.(1) You agree that you will comply with anyapplicable export control laws, restrictionsor regulations of the countries involvedin the event that this PRODUCT includingthe SOFTWARE is shipped, transferred orexported into any country.(2) Rights holders of the SOFTWARE retain in allrespects the title, ownership and intellectualproperty rights in and to the SOFTWARE.Except as expressly provided herein, nolicense or right, expressed or implied, ishereby conveyed or granted by rights holdersof the SOFTWARE to you for any intellectualproperty of rights holders of the SOFTWARE.(3) You may use the SOFTWARE solely for usewith the PRODUCT.(4) You may not assign, sublicense, market,distribute, or transfer the SOFTWARE to anythird party without prior written consent ofrights holders of the SOFTWARE.(5) Notwithstanding the foregoing, you maytransfer the SOFTWARE only when (a) youassign all of your rights to the PRODUCT