Making Copies in the Manual and Vocal Mode12Basic Copy Settings2-92Grouping Copies of the Same Page TogetherAll copies of the same original page aregrouped together. For example, if you copy athree page original and specify to make threecopy sets, the first copy set that is output willcontain three copies of the first page, thesecond copy set will contain three copies ofpage 2, and the third copy set will containthree copies of page 3.1 Place your originals.NOTEFor instructions on placing originals, see"Placing Originals," on p. 2-23.2 Press (Back) or (Next) tomove the focus to [Finishing] press(Select).If you want to use voice recognition,press the Voice Recognition button say "finishing."If necessary, see the screen shot in step2 of "Collating Copies into Sets in PageOrder," on p. 2-85.