14ENGLISH10 The pattern is printed, and the rest ofthe print head is aligned automatically.The printer is now ready to use.If the printer is not printed successfully, open the frontcover and ensure that the ink tanks are correctlyinstalled. Aligning the Print Head – Macintosh1 Double-click the hard disk icon wherethe printer driver was installed, theApplications folder, and then theUtilities folder.2 Double-click the Print Center icon.3 Select your printer from the Name listand click Configure.4 Select your printer from the Product listand click Maintenance.BJ Printer Utility appears.5 Select Test Print from the pop-upmenu, and click Print Head Alignment.6 Check that A4 or Letter-sized paper isloaded in the printer and click PrintHead Alignment.It takes about 60 seconds to start printing.If the pattern is not printed as shown on the left,refer to Troubleshooting of the User’s Guide.For Mac OS 8.6-9.x users, refer to the Printer Driver Guide for Mac OS 9 for instructions on how toalign the print head.