OPTICAL IMAGE STABILIZERWe know how difficult it can be to keepa camera still. So the XM2 is fitted withan Optical Image Stabiliser (rather thanElectronic Stabilisation which can reduceimage quality). Its vari-angle prism reactsto a sensor and bends the light rays, sothe image reaching the CCDs remainssteady.SOUNDS GOODSome camcorder recordings have greatpictures but the sound lets them down.For a fuller, richer, stereo sound, theXM2 has a 'direction accurate' micro-phone. This contains two pairs of pick-upelements, each for left and right, givingaccurate stereo ambience and lessmechanical background noise. Also, youcan change themicrophonefrequency charac-teristics to matchthe recordingcondition (normal,voice and windscreen). For high-qualityPCM digital sound recording, an MA-300microphone adapter is available.AUDIO LEVEL CONTROLAnother sound-improving feature on theXM2 is the 2-channel manual audio levelcontrol. A special dial allows you to setthe L/R level to exactly the balance youwant for 2 channels. An easy-to-findaudio level meter on the camcorder body,on the LCD and EVF screen shows the leftand right 24 segment peaks.camcorder. But the downside of a normalzoom lens can be colour aberrations.The fluorite technology used in the XM2L-Series lens eliminates almost all colourdeviation. This and the new 3CCD systemgive viewers the pleasure of colours thatare much truer to life.TRUE-TO-LIFE COLOURFluorite is a synthetic crystalline sub-stance with the ability to collect light ata single point. It bypasses the limitationsposed by normal glass. The resultingimage is extremely sharp.A zoom lens is an essential feature on aOptional MA-300adapter with 2-channelXLR terminals.QUALITYYOU CAN SEEQUALITYYOU CAN HEARGlass lensFluorite lensRed RedBlue Blue