56 Video2 Open the calendar screen.• Dates that contain scenes (that is, movies were recorded on thatdate) appear in black against a silver background. Dates withoutrecordings appear grayed out.• Touch [y] or [A] to jump to the previous/next calendar month thatcontains recordings.3 Touch the desired date.The selected date appears instead of [All Scenes]. To show all scenesagain, touch [y (the date displayed on the screen)] and then [AllScenes].NOTES• You can change on what day to start the week for the calendar displaywith the 6 8 [Calendar Start Day] setting.Deleting ScenesYou can delete those scenes that you are not interested in keeping.Deleting scenes allows you also to free up space on the memory. Seealso Deleting Scenes from the Playlist (0 95).1 Open the index screen that contains the scenes you want todelete.• [Original] or [Video Snapshot] [Original] index screen: To delete allthe scenes recorded on a specific date, narrow down the scenesshown to scenes recorded on that date (0 55).2 Touch [a] to open the scene selection screen.[y All Scenes] 8 [Scenes by Date]Operating modes: