PRINTING A STORED TEXTYou can print texts in a stored, current or new line format.However,the line format set atthe time of storage will automatically control printing unless another format is specified (seepage 30).The line spacing and carrier return modes will follow those settings established at the timeof printing, regardless of those set in storage.Printout in the stored line formatGLOBALThe recoveryis in partco an OilIn petrole••.Thi*industr.esin Europea has q.v•• for.(The typewriter has been set for automaticPrintout in a format that differs fromthe format originally stored with thetext.(The right and left margins have been changed.)OLOOAL RECOVERYThe econe•ic recovery due no doubtin part to an Oil glut vhich resulteda decreased in petroleum,This condi-%ton hag given •any depressed industriesin Europe a second chance for.(The typewriterhas been set for a justifiedcarrier return )SETLINE FORMAT12TEXTTITLE CODE40printout1. If you wish to use a line format that is different fromthe one stored with the text, set the new line formathere. If you wish to use the current line format, no op-eration is necessary.2. Set the desired line spacing and carrier return mode.3. Press An underline indicates that the titlecode is being used to store a text.ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ4. Press the title code that corresponds to the text youwish to print.RECOVERE41TheYou can reviewor modifythe text in this step (see page36).